Over 25 years experience
Your tutor, Caroline has run a professional workroom for over 25
years, working with local and award-winning interior designers as well as private clients. And now she has opened up her beautiful rural workspace, just outside Goudhurst in Kent, to host sewing courses to teach at beginner and experienced levels.
Upcoming Sewing Courses In Kent
Featured Course
Comprehensive cushion making course in Kent – 2 Days
View full details of this upcoming course and choose your dates to attend.

Featured Course
Beginners curtain making in Kent – 1 day course
View full details of this upcoming course and choose your dates to attend.
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About your tutor
I have run a professional workroom for over 25 years, working with local and award-winning interior designers as well as my private clients. I have also assisted architects on interior design with reference to soft furnishings. During this period, I have amassed a wealth of experience and knowledge about the industry and the techniques and skills involved.